All-rounder with a beach effect
The Finland system and its Finland II variant are distinguished by their great versatility: both are eminently suitable for sports and competition pools as well as adventure and outdoor pools. The sloped, beach-like pool edge reduces wave rebound and, in combination with the Silent 100 outlet valve, helps to reduce noise levels in indoor pool facilities.
Tried and tested for decades in a wide variety of pools, this pool edge system with a sloped pool edge avails of an integrated handhold and can even be used in radial areas. The higher water level facilitates bathers when exiting the pool. Various channel volumes are possible as required.
Product type
Format | Nominal size
System Solution
- UW-Silicone
- Closed-cell polyethylene foam round lace
- Elastic water-resistant filling material
- Joint band
- Slide bearing
- Plastic cover grating
- Capillary barrier / grouting (reaction resin filler)
- Waterproof concrete (according to DIN EN 206/DIN 1045/DAfStB WU Guideline
- Conventional thick-bed laying
- Thin-bed laying on cement render (P III, CS IV without added lime)
- Sealing layer
- Sealing tape
- “Silent W 2000” outlet valve
- “Silent 100” outlet valve
- Epoxi for joints, for the project sector
- Section stoneware pipe
- Casing for water inlet/outlet pipe and brazing collar