Even the basic design of Sento is convincing with its modern concrete look. And it can be wonderfully combined with the fine floral ornaments of the Blossom decor. Those who want more contrast, simply combine the concrete look with the brightly colored rod mosaic of this series.

    1. Product type

      Floor/wall tiles

      Floor/wall tiles decor Blossom



      Wall tile

      Decorative tile decor Blossom

      Cut Decoration Color Stripe

  1. Format | Nominal size

    5 x 5 cm

    7 x 60 cm

    30 x 30 cm

    30 x 60 cm

    35 x 100 cm

    60 x 60 cm

    60 x 120 cm


pale white
beige grey
off white
concrete grey
dark anthracite
lava black
sky acqua
pacific blue
pale mud
earth red